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Devotional Poetry, Treasures from Above

Empowered Living
Devotional Prose and Poetry

From Bible Teacher, Author, Pastor Kenneth L. Birks

Lost in Wayward Thinking

Christian Poetry, Inspirational Devotional Biblical Poetry

Empowered Living

Christian Inspirational poetry intended to encourage, build faith and draw believers into a love for God and His Word. May God bless you richly, today, as you seek to find all that’s been hidden away for your personal discovery.

Lost in Wayward Thinking

Lost in wayward thinking, feeding on lies, they lie in wait.
Their own folly, leading to ruin, they rage against truth.
Wise in their own eyes, they boast in unrighteousness.
Using their wealth to attract, they bribe to spread lies.
Deceived, marching on as fools, they plunder to survive.

Drinking their own poison, they fall deeper into the abyss.
Losing all thought of right and wrong, they proclaim.
Expecting multitudes to follow their folly, they scrutinize.
Those refusing their poison, they castigate without reason.
The antichrist spirit in force, lies and deceit become the norm.

In bed with deceitfulness and foolishness, darkness covers.
Demonized by lies and deceit, the righteous ones awaken.
No longer bound in intimidation they rise to proclaim.
Strapping on belts of truth, they begin to roar like lions.
Shaking off their slumber, fully awakened, they stand ready.

The day at hand, casting off all darkness, they rise to fulfill.
Filled with the knowledge of the Father’s will, they embrace.
With the spirit of revelation engaging their minds, they feed.
Fed and nurtured by the Word of truth, they gain strength.
Fully armored for spiritual warfare they engage to expose.

In the spirit of unity, they stand as one body to engage.
In His power, adorned in beauties of holiness, they proclaim.
Proclaiming God’s goodness and severity, many repent.
No longer drinking their poisonous drinks, sanity returns.
Clothed in truth and purity of thought, righteousness reigns.

No longer lost in wayward thinking, thoughts are enriched.
Captivated by His word, surrendered, they're refined.
Sounding the alarm, they come, great and strong, in Him.
Multitudes upon multitudes in the valley of decision come.
The Day of the Lord near, decisions made, they commit.

However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

1 Corinthians 2:6-8

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Empowered Living Index

1.    Empowered by the Holy Spirit

2.    Delighting in God's Presence

3.    Triumphant Living Discovered

4.    Standing Frim Amid Hostility

5.    From Fear to Strength and Courage

6.    Treasured Stones Found

7.    Looking Down from Heaven Above

8.    Quickend for Spiritual Labor

9.    Breaking Free, Empowered to Run Freely

10.  On the Horizon: Great and Strong

11.  Come and Drink

12.  Shifting Paradigms

13.  Sensory Overload

14.  The Sentry's Voice

15.  Embracing the Mighty Wind

16.  Looking to God in all Things

17.  Perfected Forever in Righteousness

18.  Cultural Shifting

19.  Awakened from Delusional Thinking

20.  In Times Like These

21.  Second Chances are Coming

22.  Refuge During Difficult Times

23.  Lost in Wayward Thinking



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Treasures of the Heart

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Ken Birks has written a masterpiece of superb continuity. The majestic flow from Poem to Poem contains powerful prophetic revelation that delights the heart. I was amazed at how the poems were Davidic and musical – They flowed like a delightful streams with heavenly impartations. – Edward Becker, Senior Pastor, Naches Valley Community Church, Yakima, WA


Other Websites by Ken L. Birks
Sowing Seeds of Faith | Books by Ken | Wedding Officiating