Perfected Forever in
A lamb without blemish, He came for
those defeated. Perfect in all His
ways, His righteousness exceeded. Without sin,
His Father’s will, He pursued to free
all. Clothed in the righteousness of
His Father, He bled. Giving His life
in all things, those defeated believed.
Embracing His cross wholeheartedly,
He bled to save. Becoming sin, He
erased the sins for those believing.
Crying out in agony, betrayed, and
forsaken, He bled. A lamb led to
slaughter; He became our righteousness.
Giving up the ghost, He died a sinner’s
death for all.
Prevailing over
death, rising from the dead, He
overcame. His righteousness now ours,
we stand in His perfection. Satan
defeated; He gained the victory for all
believing. Believing in the power of
His resurrection, we partake. Because
He was forsaken, we stand nurtured in
Clothed in His
righteousness, we embrace His cross.
Embracing His cross, we turn our hearts
in repentance. In the power of His
resurrection, we leave behind sin.
Without sin and shame holding back, we
pursue holiness. Locked into His
righteousness, we press to glorify.
Though perfected in His
righteousness, we trip and stumble.
Asking forgiveness, we readily receive
Him as our substitute. As a merciful
High Priest, we now run boldly into His
arms. Forgiving us, He clothes us in
righteousness to fulfill His will.
Perfected forever, in His righteousness,
we overcome in all.
For by one offering He has perfected
forever those who are being
sancitified. Hebrews 10:14