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Devotional Poetry, Treasures from Above

Empowered Living
Devotional Poetry

From Bible Teacher, Author, Pastor Kenneth L. Birks

Embracing the Mighty Wind

Christian Poetry, Inspirational Devotional Biblical Poetry

On the Horizon Empowered Living

Christian Biblically oriented inspirational poetry intended to encourage, build faith, draw believers into more of a love for God's Word, and describe how the anointing of the Holy Spirit affects our lives to do great exploits for God and His purposes.

Embracing the Mighty Wind
By Kenneth L. Birks


As the mighty wind blows, the Lord pours His Spirit mightily.
Looking for those who made themselves ready, He fills.
Seeing and hearing all God does, they wait in expectancy.
Believing His word to be true, they pursue, wholeheartedly.
Eyes and ears open, they sow seeds of faith, faithfully.

Giving themselves to the wind, they minister accordingly.
Given gifts of the Spirit, they sow into all who come their way.
As flames of fire ignited, they make His power visible for all.
As instruments of righteousness, they minister in His sufficiency.
Cloaked in the Lord’s zeal, they become effective and efficient.

Ministering to one another in Love, they grow into maturity.
Clothed as humble servants, they give themselves to the wind.
Pressing forward, forgetting the past, they reach to attain.
Promises given, they strive according to the power within.
The fruit of their labor before them, they labor vigorously.

With prophetic purposes to fulfill, they go from faith to faith.
In sync with all that God desires to do, they march accordingly.
Not wanting to be caught sleeping, they sow enthusiastically.
The expectation of Christ’s fullness, they cast off all darkness.
Clothed in garments of the new nature, they rise in His likeness.

Making themselves ready as Christ’s bride, they stand ready.
The mighty wind shaking the dry bones, they sense time is near.
Strategically placed throughout the world, they stand, fully dressed.
The mighty wind blowing vigorously, they go everywhere in His fullness.
Freely given to the wind, multitudes are drawn to their presence.

Fulfilling all foretold by the prophets; His coming eminent, they wait.
With great expectation, they look up as their redemption draws nigh.
Knowing they will be caught up, they give praise with expectation.
In a moment, in the twinkling of any eye, they’re caught up to meet Him.
Gathered together from the four winds, they ride to set up His throne.

May God bless you richly, today, as you seek to grow in the anointing of the Holy Spirit and allow the wind of His Spirit to produce in and through you, HIs wonderful works.

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© Straight Arrow Ministries

Poems included in the Index
Empowered Living

1.   Empowered by the Holy Spirit

2.   Delighting in God's Presence

3.   Triumphant Living Discovered

4.   Standing Frim Amid Hostility

5.   From Fear to Strength and Courage

6.   Treasured Stones Found

7.    Looking Down from Heaven Above

8.   Quickend for Spiritual Labor

9.   Breaking Free, Empowered to Run Freely

10.  On the Horizon: Great and Strong

11.  Come and Drink

12.  Shifting Paradigms

13.  Sensory Overload

14.  The Voice

15.  Embracing the Mighty Wind




Click on the titles above to view each poem

The devotionals in this book are designed to enhance your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in all aspects of your walk. They’re meant to draw you into a deeper understanding of how the Holy Spirit and the Word of God work together to conform you into the image of Christ. As you look at the “Table of Contents,” you will notice the book encompasses a wide range of subjects spanning most aspects of our walk with the Lord. The aspect that separates this book from other devotionals is that each devotional ends with a biblically inspired poem that encapsulates the essence of the devotional.
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Other Websites by Ken L. Birks
Sowing Seeds of Faith | Books by Ken | Wedding Officiating