The Mighty Wind of God - Holy Spirit inspiried Poetry
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Empowered Living
Devotional Prose and Poetry

From Bible Teacher, Author, Pastor Kenneth L. Birks

Embracing the MIghty Wind of God

Christian Poetry, Holy Spirit Inspired, Biblical Poetry

Empowered Living

Christian Inspirational poetry intended to encourage, build faith and draw believers into a love for God and His Word. May God bless you richly, today, as you seek to find all that’s been hidden away for your personal discovery.

Embracing the Mighty Wind of God

You came as a mighty wind giving birth to Your Church.
As the wind continued to blow, others came, in search.
Your people went forth in the power of Your Spirit in battle array.
With revelation, You breathed Your Word into Scripture.
With Your Word now defined, all could taste, see, and hear.

A kingdom was birthed, giving hope to those lost in darkness.
Throughout history the wind blew at strategic times with fierceness.
With the mighty wind of Your Spirit, movements were birthed.
With each movement, truth came forth to further establish.
With the wind came freshness to those once lost in blindness.

As we wait in anticipation, the enemy comes with counterfeit winds.
He comes to confuse and deceive from that which is genuine.
As we test the wind with God’s Word, we’re free from all deception.
Though Satan comes as an angel of light, his works will be shown.
We are warned in Scripture not to take heed to his deceptive winds.

The mighty wind that gives breath to the dry bones will surely come.
God will breathe upon His church as it stands like a mighty army.
With every joint and ligament connected it goes forth in battle array.
His glory will settle upon the Church as a mighty light to sway.
Being drawn to the light in the midst of darkness, many come.

Multitudes will be saved as the mighty wind blows through the air.
With the fullness of His Spirit filling all in all, it spills out everywhere.
Many are touched by the overflow of His presence, standing in prayer.
As the Church is touched, the fullness of His stature results.
With the fullness of the Gentiles completed, blindness lifts; they exult.

Come, Lord Jesus, receive your bride as Heaven awaits in silence.
He comes on the clouds of Heaven to receive all who wait for Him.
As the last trumpet sounds, the dead come forth as they’re raised.
Those who are alive and remain are caught up in the clouds with them.
Come, Lord Jesus, blow your mighty wind; make us ready to be amazed.

When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Acts 2:1-4

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Empowered Living Index

1.    Empowered by the Holy Spirit

2.    Delighting in God's Presence

3.    Triumphant Living Discovered

4.    Standing Frim Amid Hostility

5.    From Fear to Strength and Courage

6.    Treasured Stones Found

7.    Looking Down from Heaven Above

8.    Quickend for Spiritual Labor

9.    Breaking Free, Empowered to Run Freely

10.  On the Horizon: Great and Strong

11.  Come and Drink

12.  Shifting Paradigms

13.  Sensory Overload

14.  The Sentry's Voice

15.  Embracing the Mighty Wind

16.  Looking to God in all Things

17.  Perfected Forever in Righteousness

18.  Cultural Shifting

19.  Awakened from Delusional Thinking

20.  In Times Like These

21.  Second Chances are Coming

22.  Refuge During Difficult Times




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Ken Birks has written a masterpiece of superb continuity. The majestic flow from Poem to Poem contains powerful prophetic revelation that delights the heart. I was amazed at how the poems were Davidic and musical – They flowed like a delightful streams with heavenly impartations. – Edward Becker, Senior Pastor, Naches Valley Community Church, Yakima, WA


Holy Spirit Inspiried Poetry

Other Websites by Ken L. Birks
Sowing Seeds of Faith | Books by Ken | Wedding Officiating