From Despondency to Hope Prose and Poetry
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Devotional Poetry, Treasures of the Heart

Christian Inspirational Devotional Poetry
Treasures of the Heart

From Bible Teacher, Pastor Kenneth L. Birks

From Despondency to Hope

Christian Prose and Poetry to Refresh the Soul

Spiritual Labor

Christian Biblically oriented devotional poetry. These poems are intended to encourage, build faith and draw believers into more of a love for God's Word. They describe how God's Word
will fill our hearts with HIs great treasures

From Despondency to Hope

Trusting in our own ways, we plan and scheme.
Filled with self-gloating and rejoicing, we daydream.
Given to self-centered, appealing choices, we squander.
Reaping what was sown, the mind begins to wander.
Wallowing in regret and remorse, our choices we ponder.

Reaping a life governed by self, we stand demoralized.
Caught in self-loathing, repercussions come our way.
Disenchanted, the soul weighed down in regret, we fret.
In depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts, we dismay.
Giving into the bitterness of the moment, we cry for relief.

Caught in webs of hopelessness, we look for a ray of light.
In the distance, a light beckons for further exploration.
Intrigued, a glimmer of hope penetrates areas unknown.
As the light penetrates, despair begins to dissolve.
Lifted from despair, heartened by the light, hope resolves.

Heartened and hopeful, we immerse ourselves in the light.
Looking for new direction, we readily discard old mindsets.
As light penetrates areas of the heart, a gentle voice beckons.
Becoming clearer, the voice beckons to the invisible glimpsed.
Excitement taking over, weights lift with new perceptions.

Discovering an invisible kingdom, we give ourselves freely.
The voice revealed as the kingdom's King, we follow readily.
No longer filled with fear, hate, and suicidal thoughts, we press.
Filled with new purposes, new strategies, we envision.
The heart fully engaged, we commit to His ways and decisions.

Choices, now governed by kingdom perspectives, we thrive.
Enhanced by fresh revelation, taken into deeper realms, we dive.
Guided by wisdom, kingdom choices produce peaceful solutions.
Given our mission and purpose, we delight in all that's gained.
As hope fills, we no longer wander, disenchanted with life.

Peace, I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
John 14:27

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Peculiar Treasures
Current Poems

Treasures of the Heart
Devotional Poetry by Ken Birks


1.   Father God's Pereculiar Treasures

2.   Unlocking the Heart's Treasurers

3.   Holy Spirit Rejuvination

4.   Manifesting Christ's Presence

5.   Cultivating Your Heart

6    Joyful Treasures of the Heart

7.    Kairos Moments of the Heart

8.    Empowered by His Presence

9.    Looking Out My Window

10.  The Goodness of God

11.  Triumphant Living

12.  The Path of Righteousness

13.  Quickend for Spiritual Labor

14.  Captivated by God's Love

15.  Heart's Portals

16.  Bloom Where You're Planted

17.  The Unfathomable Treasures of God

18.  Treasures of Love and Mercy

19.  From Despondency to Hope

20.  Spiritual Fruit Treasured

21.  The Father's Unfailing Love

22.  Treasures of Love and Mercy

23.  Our Helper, the Holy Spirit

24.  Strength and Courage

25.  Delighting in His Presence

26.  From Heaven Above

27.  Waiting on the Lord

28.  Hearts Aflame

29.  Intimately Acquained

30.  Pressing on in Faith

31.  Sowing and Reaping

32   Shifting paradigms

33.  Voice of the Sentry

34.  Avoiding Foolish Chatter

35.  In You Alone

36.  Voice Crying in Wilderness

37.  Breaking Free to Run

38.  Standing Firm

39.  Looking to God in All

40.  Lights amid Darkness

41.  Breaking Through

42.  Kingdom Powered Life

43.  Faith Erupts

44.  As the Wheel Turns

45.  Homeward Bound


Click on the titles above to view each poem

Treasures of the Heart
Prose and Poetry Refreshing the Soul
By Kenneth L. Birks

Treasures of the Heart Book

As you read through the devotional prose an poetry in this book, you will be discover a beautiful blend of timeless truths fitly applied to today's culture and challenges that will fill your heart with Heavenly treasures.

The majestic flow from one poem to the next contains powerful prophetic wisdom and revelation that will fill your hearts and minds with the wonderful treasures God intends you to enjoy.

For Details on Ken's Book, Click Here

 All Poems by Kenneth L Birks © Straight Arrow Publications
Other Websites by Kenneth L. Birks
Sowing Seeds of Faith | Books by Ken | Wedding Officiating