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Devotional Poetry, Treasures from Above

Rise of the Anointed Ones Devotional Poetry
From Bible Teacher, Pastor Kenneth L. Birks

Rise of the Anointed Ones

Christian Poetry, Inspirational Devotional Biblical Poetry

Anointed Ones
Christian Inspirational poetry intended to encourage, build faith and draw believers into a love for God and His Word.
May God bless you richly, today, as you seek to find all that’s been hidden away for your personal discovery.

Rise of the Anointed Ones
Featured Poem

As storm clouds brew over the land, the earth trembles.
As unrighteousness manifests throughout, evil dissembles.
Troubles coming from every direction, darkness covers.
As anxiety, depression, and fear invade, multitudes suffer.
Engulfed in the madness of the moment, numbness buffers.

Given to the spirit of the times, sinful behavior normalizes.
Blinded by self-absorbed, unrighteous ones; denial demonizes.
Filled with hate and violence, the antichrist spirit abuses.
As unrest multiplies rapidly, cries are heard across the globe.
From heaven above, the Father sees and hears as He probes.

With a heart of compassion and understanding, He draws near.
Those with hearts of understanding, He draws into His sphere.
Breathing upon those with ears to hear, He anoints abundantly.
With a double portion, His anointing pours forth triumphantly.
In a spirit of unity, the anointed ones rise to engage mightily.

For such a time as this, His anointed ones soar on eagle wings.
Not growing weary, they run, basking in His glory, overcoming.
In the power of His might, they go as gifts release everywhere.
As the earth fills with His presence, He is known globally.
Throughout the land, His anointed ones are known universally.

The restoration of all things at hand, the anointed one’s march.
They come great and strong, the like of whom has never been.
The Lord giving voice, marching perfectly, they recover all.
The earth quaking before them, the unrighteous writhe in pain.
As the heavens tremble, strong is the One who executes.


Lord, help me maintain my focus on You and all that you desire to do in my life and those around me. Help me be a diligent watchman and ready to respond to all that comes my way.

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These poems are part of the Devotionals found in the book to the right. A devotional poem follows each devotional with the same theme.

Anointed Ones


Please feel feel free to write me a comment
that could be used in the book.
Poems included
 in the Book are shown below

1.  Rise of the Anointed Ones
2.  The Day of the Lord
3.  Spiritual Gifts and the Harvest
4.  Changing Seasons
5.  Manifesting Christ's Presence
6.  Revial Fires Ignited
7.  Cultivating Your Heart
8.  In Sync with God's Purposes
9.  The Path of the Righteous
10. Wielding the Sword
11. The Helper
12. Grace that Teaches
13. Spiritual Renewal
14. Sowing and Reaping
15. The Voice that Thunders
16. Harmless as Doves
17. Trees of Righteousness
18. Flourishing in the Harvest
19. Faith that Works

20. Christ's Workmanship
21. Finding Refuge in God
22. Glorifying God
23. Blinded by Fools Wisdom
24. Awakened from Slumber
25. The Bride of Christ Revealed
26. Vehement Desire Unleashed
27. From Despondency to Hope
28. Light in a Contaminated World
29. Transformation & Conversion
30. Eternal Weight of Glory
31. Concerns that Dominate
32. Flames of Fire
33. The Joy of Deliverance
34. Treasured Stones Found
35. The Beast from the Sea
36. God our Stronghold
37. Strongholds of Righteousness
38. Destroying Works of Darkness
39. Called to a Life-Long Journey
40. The Second Coming of Christ

Click on the titles above
 to view each poem

 Book Information
Rise of the Anointed Ones is like a voice in the wilderness calling God's beloved away from all that distracts to HIm who is jealous for His bride. The reader who hears and responds will bring joy to the heart of God and encouragement to others who have put their hand to the plow. -- David Fredrickson
Click here for Complete Details
 or to Order the Book

Rise of the Anointed Ones - Order Book

 All Poems by Kenneth L Birks © Straight Arrow Ministries
Other Websites by Ken L. Birks
Sowing Seeds of Faith | Books by Ken | Wedding Officiating