Empowered by the Holy Spirit
in delusions of self-destructive ways,
we look for comfort Worn down with
the same results, we look for something
new. Looking for a magic formula, we
dream away, lost in confusion. No
longer satisfied, with what once filled,
we contemplate. Once empowered by
dreams of success, disillusionment
Hearing others speak of
empowerment from above, we give ear.
With interest piqued, we look for
answers with listening ears. With
childlike faith, we step into thoughts
foreign to our thinking. A breath of
hope materializing, we consider what’s
left behind. Nothing to lose, we
embrace this new way, trusting as we go.
From faith to faith, belief in this
unknown path becomes clear. Given to
the path wholeheartedly, we commit to
empowerment. With full realization,
we immerse ourselves in God’s Holy
Spirit. Giving up on self
sufficiency, we rely on His sufficiency
to sustain. Empowered by His Spirit,
we press forward in all freely given.
As His truth becomes reality, it
sparks heated passion within. As
belief and faith merge with His Spirit,
ignited passion produces. Empowered
with fresh vision and understanding, we
run to gain. No longer lost in
confusion, freedom from the past, we’re
free to fulfill. With promises given,
we fully embrace all that’s told
But you shall
receive power when the Holy Spirit has
come upon you; and you shall be
witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and all
Judea and Samaria, and to the end of tbe
Acts 1:8
