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Christian Inspirational
Daily Devotionals

From Bible Teacher, Author, Pastor Kenneth L. Birks

Rise of the Anointed Ones

Christian Daily Devotionals to Refresh the Heart

Anointed Ones
Christian Biblically oriented devotionals that are intended to encourage, build faith and draw believers into more of a love for God's Word. They describe how God's Word will fill our hearts with HIs great treasures

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Current Devotionals

Rise of the Anointed Ones
Devotionals by Ken Birks


1.   Anointed for Such A time

2.   Sound the Alarm

3.   Discovering Spiritual Gifts

4.   Seasons of Time

5.   World Gone Wrong

6.   The End-Time Revivial

7.   Culltivating Newness

8.   In Sync with God's Purposes

9.   The Path of the Righteous

10.  Sword and Spirit - God's Power

11.  The Helper of our Joy

12.  Grace that Teaches

13.  Spiritual Renewal

14.  Bread Upon the Waters

15.  Enduring Shakings

16.  Pursue Peace with All

17.  Trees of Righteousness

18.  Flourish Where Planted

19.  Word Mixed with Faith

20.  Patterns of Good Works

21.  Stirring up Spiritual Gifts

22.  The Secret Place

23.  Clothed in Humility

25.  Bride of Christ Revealed

26.  Increasing Fervency

27.  Kingdom Perspectives

28.  Avoiding Worldliness

29.  Transformed by Word & Spirit

30.  Swimming Against the Current

32.  Concerns that Dominate

32.  Flames of Fire

33.  The Joyful Sound

34.  The Antichrist Spirit

35.  Moral Excellence

36.  God, our Stronghold

37.  Fortify our Stronghold

39.  Staying the Course

40.  The Second Coming of Christ



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 All Devotionals by Kenneth L Birks © Straight Arrow Ministries
Other Websites by Kenneth L. Birks
Sowing Seeds of Faith | Books by Ken | Wedding Officiating