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Christian Inspirational
Daily Devotionals

From Bible Teacher, Author, Pastor Kenneth L. Birks

Rise of the Anointed Ones

Christian Daily Devotionals to Refresh the Heart

Anointed Ones
Christian Biblically oriented devotionals that are intended to encourage, build faith and draw believers into more of a love for God's Word. They describe how God's Word will fill our hearts with HIs great treasures

Discovering Spiritual Gifts

The gifts of the Spirit are a vital part of who God has created us to be. Therefore, we must press in and discover the gifts given because they play a significant role in all that God intends to do before the second coming of Christ.

1 Corinthians 12:7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all.

Because the gifts of the Spirit play a significant role in the end-time environment, we need to fan the flame by stirring them up. We have all received at least one of the gifts of the Spirit. In his letters to the churches, Paul says God gave gifts for the profit of all. Therefore, God desires that we all discover and use the spiritual gifts He gave us.


We will not experience the fullness God has ordained for our lives unless we find out and use the gifts freely given to us by the Holy Spirit. Once discovered, we must then fan them into existence by using them regularly.

In Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians, he was concerned that they would not be lacking concerning the gifts of the Holy Spirit as the day of the Lord draws near. His heart towards them was that they would be well used in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which prompted him to spend ample time explaining their proper usage for the glorification of the body of Christ.

Knowing we have access to the gifts of the Spirit through the Holy Spirit, it is our responsibility to discover them. So then, as the Father distributes His gifts as He wills, He prepares our hearts to receive all we need for the tasks and purposes He has called us to so that we can go forth as His flames of fire filled with His passion.

Discovery is the key that unlocks our spiritual gifts. How do we go about it? There are no simple answers or specific steps. It’s a process that comes with our relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ as the Holy Spirit searches the heart of the Father for those things that concern our lives. He explores the heart of the Father for the spiritual gift or gifts that are best suited for who He created us to be.

1 Corinthians 2:9-10 But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

Through our relationship with Christ, we begin to discover all that He has created us to be. As we grow and mature in Christ, we catch glimpses of our purpose and ministries. As we begin to grasp who we are in Christ, we should think about what gifts of the Spirit would best match our callings. In the letter to the Corinthians, he tells us to desire the best gifts.


What are the best gifts? They are the ones that are the best suited for who you are in Christ. The key to fanning the flame for your spiritual gift to burst into an intense love that ministers to others is desire. You must have a sincere desire to be used by God to minister in the gifts of the Spirit.

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Current Devotionals

Rise of the Anointed Ones
Devotionals by Ken Birks


1.   Anointed for Such A time

2.   Sound the Alarm

3.   Discovering Spiritual Gifts

4.   Seasons of Time

5.   World Gone Wrong

6.   The End-Time Revivial

7.   Culltivating Newness

8.   In Sync with God's Purposes

9.   The Path of the Righteous

10.  Sword and Spirit - God's Power


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 All Devotionals by Kenneth L Birks © Straight Arrow Ministries
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Sowing Seeds of Faith | Books by Ken | Wedding Officiating