Habits Driven is the Game Changer by Joe Siau Author
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Habits Driven is the Game Changer

By Author, Joe Siau

About the book, Habits Driven is the Game Changer

About the Book

The habits found in this book are designed to teach indviduals how to fish through real-life examples. The book is full of inspiring ideas on building new habits and repetitions in a short period. Post covid, teenagers need to know what successful habits look and smell like.

Habits Driven has stories that will reshape what you thought was impossible to what's possible through hard work. Habits Driven gives foster kids and kids raised by single parents an opportunity to see successful patterns and habits to adopt for successful living.

This book is not for those thinking of being a doctor, dentist, lawyer, computer programmer, or engineer, or someone who wants to work at Google, Facebook, or in the political fields. But, this would be an excellent foundation for those trying to be an actor, an athlete, or running a self-employed business, business venture, or in sales. This book would also be an excellent resource for parents or teachers giving their kids or students tools for reflection.

My story may not be your story. Your plan and strategies may be different than mine. But in the long run. as you apply these habits to your life and business, you will build muscle memories that will catapult you to success.

"Habits Driven is the Game Changer"
Habits will help you build muscle memories

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