Christian Poems, Bible Teaching Seminars
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Bible teaching seminars by Ken L. Birks Bible Teaching Seminars, Christian Poems, Books, Bible Studies, Podcasts,
Sermon Outlines, and Other Resources

By Pastor Ken L. Birks

Straight Arrow Enterprises is devoted to balanced Biblical teaching
Bible Studies by Kennneth L. Birks
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If you are interested in Hosting a Seminar or having Ken speak at your church, please email Ken at

Bible Teaching Seminars

Biblical Seminars by Ken BirksKen Birks is available for seminars, men's retreats and other avenues of ministry that would fit into the life of the local church. The following are a list of seminars Ken is available for at your church or ministry:

The Journey - Discovering the Invisible Path
The Ministry and Person of the Holy Spirit
Breaking Free from the Past
The Building Blocks of Real Faith
Spiritual Warfare - Taking Authority Over Satan

Click the picture for complete list of seminars and more info.

Top 10 Bible Studies

Top 10 Bible Studies by Ken BirksKen has many Bible Studies available that are designed to equip and inspire the average christian to be biblically sound in their belief system. The truth of God's Word will enable you to grow and be properly equipped for all that God has called you to be as you journey forward in Him. Click the picture for complete information.

The Person & Ministry of the Holy Spirit
The Godhead or the Trinity
The Majesty of Who God Is
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

and more

Book: Prophetic Purposes and the Zeal of the LordBooks & Materials

Check out Ken's book, "Prophetic Purposes and the Zeal of the Lord - When Sovereignity and Free Will Meet." The book is divided into three sections. The first section discusses how God used the Patriarchs, Old Testament Prophets, Kings, and the disciples of Jesus to implement is sovereign purposes in the earth duiring Biblical times. The second section discusses the prophetic evensts that must yet take place before the second coming of Christ. The third section discusses what we must do to prepare to be vessels of honor whom the Lord will use to bring His prophetic purposes to pass.

Top 10 Sermon Outlines

Top 10 Sermon Outlines from Ken BirksKen has been preaching and teaching for over 30 years and has made many of his sermons available in outline form. For his Top 10 most  Downloadable sermon outlines, click on the picture.

Dealing with Strongholds
Getting Into God's Playbook
Believing God for the Impossible
and more.....

Christian Poems, Devotional Poetry Christian Poems, Devotional Poetry

Check out Ken's Christian Poems. All poetry is bible based with the purpose of leading you into more of a deeper understanding and love for God's word and the purpose He as for you. They are designed to encourage and strengthen you as you grow in God's grace.

NewsletterStraight Arrow Ministries
Monthly Newsletter

Ken monthly newsletters feature timely articles, products, website features, updates on ministry activity, featured poems and more. For a sample download one of the recent newsletters by clicking on the graphic to your right.

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Daily Devotionals

Join Bible Teacher, Ken Birks as he shares timely truths from God's Word. You will find faith inspired Devotional Studies for every aspect of your walk with God.

You will find Devotionals from the following Indexes: Treasures from Above, Rise of the Anointed Ones, Empowered LIving and Treasures of the Heart.

These are Biblically inspired, anointed devotionals that are intended to encourage, build faith, and draw believers into more of an intimacy with God and a love for His Word. They will challenge you to be all you can be in Christ as He transforms you from glory to glory.

Sermon Podcasts

Catch Bible Teacher, Ken Birks' Video Sermons
and other Video Podcasts by Clicking Below


Ken Birks is an ordained Pastor/Teacher in the Body of Christ and is a pastor and elder at The Rock of Roseville in Roseville, California where he also functions as a Bible teacher. Ken has been a part of The Rock of Roseville since its inception in 1997. Prior to coming to The Rock of Roseville, Ken was the Senior Pastor of Golden Valley Christian Center, a non-denominational, Spirit-filled church, for twelve years.

Other Websites by Ken Birks
Sowing Seeds of Faith | Books by Ken | Wedding Officiating