The Journey
seminar is designed to give you a glimpse into the path
God has purposed for your life and to help you seize
your destiny and purpose. In doing so, you will be able
to live the role created for you.Whether you’re just starting out on your journey,
anywhere in the middle, or have become detoured and lost
your way, this practical seminar will help shine the
light on the invisible path that not only leads to God’s
goodness and experiencing His kingdom within, but also to the
greatest adventure of your life!
For More info -
Click Here
The Holy Spirit
The purpose in this seminar is
to define the Holy Spirit’s role in our lives and the
relationship He has with the Father and the Son.
It is only as we have a
relationship with the person of the Holy Spirit that we
are able to give full honor and glory to the Father and
the Son, and to come into the fullness of what God has
destined for our lives. After believing and trusting in
the Lord Jesus Christ we are sealed with the Holy Spirit
of promise, who is the
guarantee of our inheritance until our
complete redemption. Everything that has been committed
to us from Jesus Christ and the Father are kept in our
lives because of the work of the Holy Spirit in our
For More Information, Click Here |
Free from the Past
Are you tired of being chained to your past
emotional wounds, broken relationships, addictions and
other areas of your life that keep you from being the
successful person you would really like to be? If so,
this seminar will help you to break free because Jesus
came to heal the brokenhearted and to set the oppressed
free. This seminar focuses on getting free from our past
and breaking the bondages or strongholds that were
acquired under Satan’s domain. Until we are free from
the past, we will never have the joy that is needed to
be productive in the present.
Spiritual Warfare
As people who have been born again of God's Spirit, we
have been delivered from the power of darkness. There
was a time when all of us were under the influence and
the jurisdiction of Satan's kingdom and domain. Now that
we have been born again and translated into the kingdom
of God, we should not take lightly that we still have an
enemy who wants to bring harm to us and render us
ineffective as ambassadors of God's kingdom. Therefore,
this seminar deals with various aspects of spiritual
warfare such as knowing our enemy, tackling strongholds,
spiritual armor, spiritual battle in the heavenlies,
taking authority over the enemy and more.
Walk of Faith
As Christians, we are now a people of faith, which means
God desires us to move in realms of faith rather than
unbelief. Our belief system has to be firmly established
in what we believe God wants for our lives. We must see
our lives as He sees them. This seminar deals with the
many aspects of faith and the importance of applying the
faith that God has given to us to our every-day
circumstances. Faith is the essence of the Christian
walk and unless we learn how to apply it in our
every-day lives we will not grow in it as God desires.
It also covers how to be overcomer in all of life's
situations, so that you don't find yourself becoming
weary and losing heart.
We were all created and designed by God with a unique
calling and purpose to serve a God who comprehends our
path and acquaints Himself with all of our ways. This
seminar focuses on how to capture our vision and destiny
so that we can become all that God has destined us to
be. It deals with areas such as making the most of your
life, keeping your vision fresh, understanding that God
is always at work in us, getting into God’s playbook,
how to live a consecrated life to stay in sync with
God’s purpose and vision for your life, and more. As we
seek to capture the vision that reflects our passion and
uniqueness, we soon discover we have a purpose that is
latent within each of us.
Beauty of God's Grace
Grace is an awesome gift that God has given to us
that encompasses so much more than being saved by
grace. It encompasses His divine nature being
imparted as we seek to walk in the grace He has so
freely given to us. Many of us fail to walk in the
fullness of God's grace and often revert back to
walking in a spirit of condemnation and guilt, which
leads to a performance based walk, rather than the
reality of having a continuous walk in God's grace
that encompasses many facets of His nature working
in us. This seminar covers all aspects of walking in
the Grace of God as His grace teaches us to
continually lean on Him for understanding and
Building Solid
Christian Character
We are told in the Scriptures to build solid Christian
character to our lives by diligently adding to our faith
the fruit of the Spirit as mentioned in Galatians and 1
Peter. The beatitudes of Christ are a big part of it as
well.This seminar focuses on all of these characteristics that
build solid Christian Character—characteristics that are
progressive steps in our growth as Christians. Our
ability to diligently add these characteristics to our
lives makes our calling and election sure with a
guarantee that we will never stumble or fall with our
entrance into the everlasting kingdom guaranteed.
Other Websites by Ken Birks
Sowing Seeds of Faith
Books by Ken
Officiating |